Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Is Putin real Christian or Communist KGB Hoax? by Rafael Brom

Looks like that many Christians forgot that Russian Orthodox Church was and is controlled by KGB. Their priests were and are KGB agents. Yes, they want to conquer world, not with Russian Christianity but with long range planned Russian Communism which they exported successfully with Communist religion "Theory of Evolution" to the West. Now they are pretending that they are good guys with their phony Christianity. Wolf change clothing but never his nature and useful idiots getting hooked on this Putin's "Christianity" hoax. Lenin, the founder of the first Communist state, put it simply: "First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. We will encircle the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. We will not need to fight. It will fall as a ripe fruit into our hands." And, "We must practice coexistence with other nations, until we are strong enough to take over by means of world revolution.... We are not pacifists. Conflict is inevitable. Great political questions can be solved only through violence.... It is inconceivable that Communism and capitalism can exist side by side. Inevitably one must perish.'' Rykov, Lenin's successor in the Council of Soviet Commissars, corroborated: "It is our duty to inculcate in the minds of nations the theories of international friendship, pacifism, and disarmament, encouraging their resistance to military appropriations and training, without ever relaxing our own efforts in building our military equipment.'' Manuilsky, a prominent Soviet professor at the School of Political Warfare, said: "The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. We shall begin by Launching the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard-of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends." Khrushchev, former Soviet prime minister, said: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have Communism.'' More on page: http://www.marianland.com/marx01.html

Dear Americans by Rafael Brom

Some of you know me as a former refugee from Socialism - Communism. I spent 11 years behind Iron Curtain of Socialist-Communist Czechoslovakia and 16 years in more Democratic type Socialist-Communist Yugoslavia under dictator Tito. It is very disturbing to me to see that this blessed country USA is going now through Mao Zedong type "Cultural Revolution" and that some politicians are openly communist like some Obama's advisors "Czars" praising diabolical Socialist systems and leaders I escaped from in 1979. I see now that these perverted diabolical forces of "Cultural Revolution" are turning American children against their own parents. I know that some of you are very excited about these developments and some of you think this will never happen here. I just want to tell you that your freedom should be your priority #1 and that you should not allow anybody to take this away from you. Once you loose your freedom to Communist dictatorship you'll never be able get it back and you can loose very quickly your culture, property and your lives in process. Communist will use anybody and anything to establish their ultimate power and then kill all who have some brain and independent thinking, using brainwashed young idealists for this process. I pray that this will never happen here in USA. God Bless America! By Rafael Brom (Refugee from Socialism and American by Choice) http://www.marianland.com/bromlibor/rafael.html


TRUE CHURCH Catholic Church History Facts When did the Church established by Jesus Christ get the name Catholic? Christ left the adoption of a name for His Church to those whom he commissioned to teach all nations. Christ called the spiritual society He established, "My Church" (Mt. xvi, 18), "the Church" (Mt. xviii, 17). In order to have a distinction between the Church and the Synagogue and to have a distinguishing name from those embracing Judaic and Gnostic errors we find St. Ignatius (50-107 AD) using the Greek word "Katholicos" (universal) to describe the universality of the Church established by Christ. St. Ignatius was appointed Bishop of Antioch by St. Peter, the Bishop of Rome. It is in his writings that we find the word Catholic used for the first time. St. Augustine, when speaking about the Church of Christ, calls it the Catholic Church 240 times in his writings. St. Ignatius of Antioch, disciple of the Apostle John, concerning the heretics of his day wrote: "They have abstained from the Eucharist and prayer, because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of Our Savior Jesus Christ." St. Justin Martyr, another Church Father of the second century wrote: "This food is known among us as the Eucharist... We do not receive these things as common bread and common drink; but as Jesus Christ our Savior, being made flesh by the Word of God." "Amen, amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has life everlasting and I will raise Him up on the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed" (John 6:54-56) "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" they argued. (John 6:53) "And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. THIS IS MY BODY. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. FOR THIS IS MY BLOOD." (cf. Matt. 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20). In the most unequivocal language the Apostles affirmed that the bread and wine duly consecrated on the altar did in fact become the actual Substance of the Savior. Declared the Apostle Paul: "The chalice of benediction which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord?" (1 Cor. 10:16) ....Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." (John 20:19-23). "Amen I say to you, whatsoever you shall bind upon earth, shall be bound also in heaven; and whatsoever you shall loose upon earth, shall be loosed also in heaven." (Matt. 18:18) "Take heed to yourselves, and to the whole flock, wherein the Holy Ghost hath placed you bishops, to rule the church of God ..." (Acts. 20:28) "And when they had ordained to them priests in every church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, in whom they believed." (Acts 14:22). " He that heareth you, heareth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despiseth me, despiseth Him that sent me." - Luke 10:16 Catholic Church is the church most united in Christ. The spectacle of one billion Catholics, three-fifths of all professed Christians, perfectly, indomitably united in belief, in organization, and in worship - the historical fact that Catholics, consistently the largest body of Christians in the world, have always been thus perfectly united - was evidence nobody can not ignore. Here is the unity of Bible prophecy - nowhere else on the Christian scene was there a unity nearly so compact, nearly so long-lived. Nowhere else on the Christian scene was there a unity so obviously permanent. Wrote the great St. Cyprian in the third century: "God is one and Christ is one, and one is His Church, and the faith is one, and one His people welded together by the glue of concord into a solid unity of body. Unity cannot be rent asunder, nor can the one body of the Church, through the division of its structure, be divided into separate pieces" (St. Cyprian, On the Unity of the Church, chap 23). Like His glorified body in Heaven, Christ's Mystical Body on earth never was and never will be a disjoined body. St. Paul said, a member of His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. (Eoh. 5:30) ...Sanctify them in truth. Thy word is truth. ...That they all may be one, as thou, Father, in me, and I in thee; that they also may be one in us... I in them, and thou in me; that they maybe made perfect in one." (John 17:1-23). You can see in Sacred Scripture that Christ's true church is not the "learning" church but is manifestly a TEACHING church. Moreover, it is evident that Christ's true church is an INFALLIBLE teacher, never liable to teach false doctrine "All power is given to me in heaven and in earth. Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching then to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world." (Matt.28:18-20). "As the Father hath sent me, I also send you." (John 20:21). Here again is a clear, unmistakable reference to the teaching mission of His Church; for here He is telling the Apostles that they had fallen heir to His own teaching mission. His Church was to be no less of a teacher than He was. Here is another evidence that Catholic Church is an INFALLIBLE teacher, never liable to teach false doctrine: "These things have I spoken to you, abiding with you. But the Paraclete, the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and bring all things to your mind, whatsoever I shall have said to you. ... when the Paraclete cometh, whom I will send you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceedeth from the Father, he shall give testimony of me. And you shall give testimony, because you are with me from the beginning." (John 14:25-26; 15:26-27). BIBLE In 397 AD, the Catholic Church gave a definitive decision as to which writings and books should be admitted into the Bible and which should be rejected, and every book which is in the Protestant New Testament today, was put there by Pope Siricus and the Catholic Bishops in the year 397 AD If Christ had intended that men should learn Christianity from the New Testament, what about the hundreds who lived before the first Bible was given to the world by the Catholic Church? Luther's Protestant Bible came out 1520 and before his Bible the Catholic Bible had been translated into Spanish, Italian, Danish, French, Norwegian, Polish, Bohemian, Hungarian and English, there was exactly 104 editions in Latin; 38 editions in German language, 25 editions in Italian language, 18 in French. In all 626 editions of the Bible with 198 in the language of the laity, had been edited before the fist Protestant Bible was sent forth into the world. What books are not found in Protestant Bible? They are Tobias, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch and the two Books of Machabees, together with fragments of Esther (x.4; xvi, 24), and Daniel (iii, 24-90; xii., xiv). These books were contained in the Alexandrian list or Canon of Books which was used by Greek-speaking Jewsof Alexandria, Asia Minor, Greece and Italy. Why did Luther reject 7 books from the Bible? Because they did not suit his new doctrines. He had arrived at the principle of private judgment - of picking and choosing religious doctrines; and whenever any book, such as the book of Machabees, taught a doctrine contrary to his taste he rejected it overboard and overboard that book went because it says: 2 Mach. xii 46, "it is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from sins." He not only cast out certain books, but he mutilated some that were left. For example, not pleased with St. Paul's doctrine, "we are justified by faith," Luther added the word "ALONE" to make the sentence read: "We are justified by faith alone." His explanation of this insertion is found in his own words, "I know very well that the word 'alone' is not in the Latin and Greek texts; but Dr. Martin Luther will have it so, and I order it to be so, and my will is reason enough. " St. Paul writes under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Luther creates a Lutheran Bible under his own audacity. He shows little respect for the Bible when he calls the Epistle of St. James "an Epistle of straw with no character of the Gospel in it." He spoke disparagingly about the Epistle of St. Jude, the Epistle to the Hebrews, and the beautiful Apocalypse of St. John. The Lord's Prayer or the Our Father is in the Bible, but Catholic prayer differs from the Protestant. Protestants use a conclusion which was not in the original Greek copies of the New Testament, namely, "For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen." Catholics say the Lord's Prayer properly. Before the last book in the New Testament was written the Catholic Church celebrated her golden jubilee; 11 of the Apostles had died. Hence, THE BIBLE CAME FROM THE CHURCH. THE CHURCH DID NOT COME FROM THE BIBLE. Christianity existed over 300 years without one single Bible Christian. Compiled by Rafael Brom from: "Bible" and "Radio Replies" by Fr. Chas. M. Carty & Rev. Dr. L. Rumble, M.S.C., Published by TAN Books and Publishers, Inc. Available in Catholic Books and Videos by Subject Sections of marianland.com http://www.marianland.com/truech01.html

EASTER - Prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Brom

Scientists claim that man is nothing but an accidental accumulation of odd material put together during a very brief fragment of time, doomed ultimately to disintegrate. The human body, they say, is composed of one octillion atoms, and three trillion of such atoms would form the period at the end of this sentence. They add that an atom is not actual material. If enlarged to one hundred meters in diameter, its contents would amount to waves moving with the speed of light, or faster, and the so called material in such an extended atom would be no more than a pinhead. Scientists do not tell us what man is. Jesus Christ does. And He tells us how to live. That our thoughts and deeds must follow the example He gave during His short Journey on earth. That as children of God we have been given eternal life through His death and resurrection. Christ could have saved the octillion atoms found in His human form. He could have made a compromise with Satan. He could have retracted His teachings and denied His heritage before Pilate. He could have surrendered to the momentary doubts on the Cross and shown Himself to be another ordinary bewildered mortal. But Jesus chose to do otherwise. He accepted the Cross and left it as an example of Manhood. There is no greater Love than the Cross. There is no greater Holy Day than the Resurrection. Freely translated from: Libor Brom. Utokem. Mnichov-Hartford-Melbourne: Komenskeho Svetova Rada, 1983. http://www.marianland.com/brom005_Easter.html

Where is Your America? by Prof. Libor Brom

From "Where is your America?" by IMPRIMIS of Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan, 49242 Vol '', No. 8., August 1982 Some time after Stalin's death, the "Inconspicuous Man" came to my apartment in Prague and offered me the position of commercial attache at the Czechoslovak Embassy in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. I was astonished. Our family had experienced the sufferings that accompany Communism. Our property had been confiscated, our human and civil rights had been abolished and we had all been jailed at one time or another. And now this man was offering me a new life as he said: "You have suffered a great deal under Stalin's rule, but now Stalin is dead and your education, life experience, and family name will be recognized. Your studies in the field of economics, business, law, and Serbo-Croatian can be useful in Yugoslavia and you have relatives there, do you not? We will give you all the necessary training and opportunities to succeed. Wouldn't you prefer to live up to your potentials as a decent human being?" Of course I did. I was thirty years old and had grown tired of the poverty, misery, and despair in the socialist trap. From Yugoslavia I could easily escape to the West, I thought. " During the meetings that followed we discussed the preliminaries of my upcoming training. I realized then that the career he was offering me would entail subversion and spying in Yugoslavia. I thought I would take the offer and after arriving in Belgrade, I would defect immediately thereafter. However, I requested one formality, that a contract be written enumerating my duties. The "Inconspicuous Man" agreed. The document, carefully worded in Marxist-Leninist double talk, was a pledge of my allegiance to the struggle for "peace" and "justice" in the world. My Christian thinking prompted me to request that one clause be included in the document - never to be ordered to kill another human being. This was the last time I saw the "Inconspicuous Man." The Communist foreign service had no use for me." As I worked on this lecture, the words of three individuals went through my mind. First were those of the Marxist-Leninist ideologist at Prague's Charles University who said to me some thirty years ago: "In the capitalist world, the so-called free people fear the eruption of World War III. They believe it will be an atomic war. They do not know that the Third World War has been in process in every continent, every country, in every street of every town and village. And who do you think is winning this war? Who is adopting whose image? Are we, Communists, adopting the Western multi-party political system, or are the so-called free people around the world adopting the one-party political system? Are we, Communists, embracing the free-enterprise economic system, or are the so-called free people in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and elsewhere adopting the state-run economic system? Are we, Communists, acquiring faith in God and belief in an eternal life, or are the so-called free people becoming more cynical about the human soul? Tell me, who is adopting whose image? Who is winning the Third World War?" The second and perhaps more surprising words were those of a top short-story writer in the USSR, a Marxist-Leninist, who was touring the United States recently and addressed the classes of Russian literature at our university. At a private gathering afterward, our Russian Club members were captivated by his life experience and literary work which spanned forty years. It covered the despotic Stalin era, the more liberal Khrushchev period, and the present repressive Brezhnev regime. The evening had almost come to an end and only several in our group remained, when the soft-spoken Soviet man said: "We have spoken only about literature. May I ask you a personal question in another field?" "Of course," we responded. "Americans, when will you begin to defend your-selves? We have taken Eastern Europe, the masses of Asia, and are in Africa. Will you defend yourselves when we land in New York?" Our Communist guest waited for an answer from his shocked audience. We had no answer. Do you have one? The third individual, a prominent American TV personality and political commentator, had addressed an executive club audience. He had concentrated on pointing out the reasons for the impending doom con-verging on the United States. He believed, he said, that America had reached her acme and now was sliding slowly toward oblivion. The audience seemed to under-stand his thesis, and in the question-answer period that followed they remained silent. Their acceptance of America's forthcoming doom seemed widespread. This banquet speaker and TV personality, therefore, was not controversial. People do not usually object to Oswald Spengler's ideas in The Decline of the West, to the premise that historical cycles like "bondage - -spiritual faith - courage - liberty - abundance - selfishness -complacency - apathy - dependency - bondage" repeat themselves. Therefore, when I recounted the Soviet writer's question to the banquet speaker and asked for his answer, he surprised everyone by his sudden anger and reply: "I do not believe the man ever asked this question," he said. Is the angry cry "I do not believe it" also your answer to the Marxist-Leninist scheme to conquer the world? Marxist Fundamentals The fact is that we live in a time of fateful challenges. As a people and a nation we are under test. This challenge is, of course, Marxism-Leninism. There is no mystery in its strategies and tactics. It has always been concrete and spelled out in black and white. It has also been openly and actively tested in the economic, political, and ideological struggle for control around the globe. Lenin, the founder of the first Communist state, put it simply: "First we will take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. We will encircle the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. We will not need to fight. It will fall as a ripe fruit into our hands." And, "We must practice coexistence with other nations, until we are strong enough to take over by means of world revolution.... We are not pacifists. Conflict is inevitable. Great political questions can be solved only through violence.... It is inconceivable that Communism and capitalism can exist side by side. Inevitably one must perish." Rykov, Lenin's successor in the Council of Soviet Commissars, corroborated: "It is our duty to inculcate in the minds of nations the theories of international friendship, pacifism, and disarmament, encouraging their resistance to military appropriations and training, without ever relaxing our own efforts in building our military equipment." Manuilsky, a prominent Soviet professor at the School of Political Warfare, said: "The bourgeoisie will have to be put to sleep. We shall begin by launch-in the most spectacular peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard-of concessions. The capitalist countries, stupid and decadent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own destruction. They will leap at another chance to be friends." And Khrushchev, a more contemporary Soviet prime minister, said: "We cannot expect Americans to jump from capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find out they have communism." Today, Marxism-Leninism represents a most complex and powerful doctrine developed by Communist theoreticians and practitioners in every corner of the world. Its universal library offers dynamic political weapons and comprehensive theories, diversified approaches and seductive slogans. On one side of the globe, there is the Yugoslav moderate theory of reformed Communism and participative economy which lures masses into socialism. On the other side of the earth there are Chinese slogans which are more productive in inflaming a Communist revolution. Marxism-Leninism is particularly effective on the semantic level where it exhibits a devastating duality. It lulls its adversaries to sleep, while at the same time it mobilizes its followers to revolutionary action. The Communist International's Seventh Congress concluded that open use of revolutionary terminology does not promote the Marxist-Leninist drive for world domination. Therefore, "revolution" has been changed into "liberation," "world conquest by the proletariat" has been changed into "peace and socialism ... .. armed seizure of power and liquidation of the bourgeoisie" has been rephrased to read "peaceful and gradual transition to socialism." Even the word "Communism," which every revolutionary is so proud of, has been changed into "progressive ... .. anti-Fascist" or "liberal." Further, to confuse their adversaries, the Marxist-Leninists have devised a new language which uses old words in the basic vocabulary. When they say "imperialism arouses the wrath of the people and digs its own grave," they mean "through our manipulation of the local Communist parties, and with a vast auxiliary corps of dupes and sympathizers, we so arrange matters that the free enterprise system and democracy are destroyed from within. All we need to do is push it into the grave." Thus, the free, complacent, conscience-stricken, guilt-ridden, sex-sodden, drug-driven, decadent, and often antagonistic societies have been manipulated by goal-oriented, dedicated, and shrewd Marxist-Leninist dialectics into a notorious period of so-called peaceful coexistence and plain overt hostilities. "Detente" has become not the hope of free people everywhere, but rather their doom. "Detente does not necessarily spell out the end of the struggle between the two social systems," says Pravda. "The struggle will continue between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie." In other words, the so-called detente is nothing more than a form of Marxist-Leninist art skillfully geared toward pacifying the American public by encouraging them to act ridiculously nice while the Communists kick the daylights out of them. The result is that the free world continues to shrink. Democracies cannot handle periods of low-tension confrontation. They have an almost universal desire to believe that peace is the natural condition of man, that armies are temporary nuisances, that conflicts of interest can be dissolved simply by a policy of good will. Unfortunately, nothing is further from the truth; but for some reason free people prefer to believe it. Three Lives Three distinctive periods have marked my life. The first period encompassed my youth before German socialism, or Nazism. The second period covered my young adult life before Soviet socialism, or Communism. The third period of my life began in America. During the first period of my life gigantic demonstrations were prevalent in Europe. Mobs shouted "Peace! Peace! Peace!" The Nazis themselves called for "peace" as they took Europe piece by piece. Democracies began to give in little by little until ultimately they gave up completely. They participated in the Munich peace conference that was to conclude "peace in our time." Munich did relieve, temporarily, many weary minds, and although a people (my people, the Czechs) had been sacrificed, many felt that they had finally arrived at some sort of peace. Churchill protested: "If you do not fight for what is right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you do not fight when the victory will be easy and not too costly, the moment may come when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and with only a precarious chance of survival.... You may even have to fight when there is no hope of victory, for it is better to perish than to live as slaves. This call for a fight brought cries of "plutocrat, " "warmonger ... .. imperialist," "mass murderer," and "enemy of the people" from many Europeans. Two years later when the German socialists and the Soviet socialists had invaded the independent Republic of Poland and the Western powers had found it necessary to defend themselves, Churchill was called to lead the flight for ultimate survival." During the second part of my life, before Communism, Europe experienced mass movements and demonstrations once more, all in the name of peace and justice. Czechoslovakia, my country, believed in her historical mission. Her people proudly proclaimed themselves to be the bridge linking the Western democracies with Eastern totalitarianism, capitalism with Communism. Czechoslovaks did their best to prove their good intentions to the Marxist-Leninists. But in their approach to the Marxist-Leninist aggressor, the Czechoslovaks made a crucial mistake. They forgave and forgot what the Marxist-Leninists had done to millions of their own people in the Soviet Union and to the other peoples of the world. We must be reminded that to forgive is divine, but to forget is idiotic. The steps leading to the downfall of a once prosperous Czechoslovakia have been identified by scholars as the blueprint for a Marxist-Leninist takeover through peaceful means. The same steps have been at work in all parts of the free world. The symptoms of this vanishing democracy are: 1. Internationally: The agonizing atmosphere of "Munich," which rejects the responsibilities of collective security and maintains the conception that democracies can save their existence by appeasing the power appetite of totalitarian aggressors. 2. Nationally: The delusive thinking of conscience-stricken democratic leaders who believe that constant concessions to aggressive minority groups manipulating nationality against nationality, class against class, race against race, and threatening with violence and revolution will bring about, in the long run, the desired equilibrium of order and justice in the country. 3. Legislatively: Hasty laws of broad social and economic reforms by old-fashioned politicians that imitate the so-called successful socialist countries, undermine the upper and middle-class backbone of the country, and gradually replace the initiative of a free enterprise system with the bitter impotence of a mushrooming bureaucracy. 4. Administratively: The creation of a deceptive coalition (national front) virtually functioning as an instrument of international Communism to brainwash the population, infiltrate public offices, and channel all organs of federal and state power toward a Communist takeover. 5. Judicially: Institutionalized permissiveness with an unchallenged growth of criminality leading to out-right plundering of entire regions and conditioning the public to a feeling of general insecurity and fear. 6. Morally: Common rejection of absolute values such as truth, honesty, decency, patriotism, as outlived and impractical, especially among the youth brought up under the impact of an unprincipled progressive education. 7. Spiritually: General abandonment of the Judeo--Christian belief in a life under God and man's responsibilities as a free moral agent, alternated by seductive demagoguery of materialist humanism and secular collectivism. Many countries in our present world find themselves in the wrecking process that Czechoslovakia went through before February '948. They are headed down the bankrupt road of a one-party political system, to bureaucratic socialism, materialist humanism, and collective cynicism. Since my arrival in the free world, the third period of my life, I have witnessed the same demonstrations for peace and the same impotence-free people challenged by the expanding Marxist-Leninist ideology of arbitrary invasions, expropriations, and deportations. I have witnessed the same fragmentation of originally proud nations into selfish minorities, of helpless minorities into antagonistic classes, of decimated classes into manipulated masses, and of terrorized masses into obedient robots toiling under the yoke of the same totalitarian despots. The largest emigration in history goes on. People continue to flee the existing tyranny, poverty, despair, and fraud in a frantic attempt to save their lives and their human dignity. The fatal intellectual environment is also present. The theological alienation of man from God is com-pounded by the ethical alienation of man from man, by the psychological alienation of man from himself and by the ecological alienation of man from nature. Its features are unchanged: 1. Secular materialism - the operating assumption that the temporal horizon is all that there is or all that man ever needs to consider - continues to represent a tragic fundamental bias and to permeate every aspect of life. 2. Irrationalism - the concept that the universe does not necessarily make sense - continues to deny man the hope to deal with basic issues. 3. Relativism - the peculiar notion that nothing is good or bad in itself and that everything is either better or worse when compared with some alternative - continues to give reason an excuse to merely discriminate rather than finally decide. 4. Syncretism in philosophy - the decay of speculative thinking which eliminates the search for ultimate truth - continues to synthesize everything, including irreconcilable polarities. As a result of this intellectual environment, individuals are tormented by a confusion of twisted tensions and find themselves overcome by the meaninglessness of life. Commitment or Holocaust We ask ourselves who has caused the protracted holocaust in the world. Could it be that for evil to win only one thing is necessary - good people who do nothing? Or that the hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, at the time of moral crisis, retain their neutrality? True, there are people in our world who have lost their moral perspective. Human knowledge has become vast and unmanageable. Astronomy has revealed a world beyond the imagination of man, physics a universe in the atom, biology a microcosm in every cell, physiology mysteries in every organ, and psychology dark secrets in every dream. Theology has crumb-led, technology has exploded, economics has shattered, and politics has inflamed the world. The scientific specialist knows more and more about less and less, the philosophic generalist knows less and less about more and more, and both have put their blinders on to shut out any moral decision. The door is opened wide for a lasting holocaust. Knowledge has to be man's prime instrument for action and survival. Introductions that enumerate the institutions of learning where I have earned my degrees amuse me. They miss the most important school and the most influential teachers I have ever had - my home and my parents. They were simple, hard-working people who had little time and very few luxuries to give. They did give me, however, their personal example and a firm spring-board from which to jump into the world of confusion, terror, and war which followed. They professed one simple basic belief: Something is either good or bad, it is either decent or indecent, it serves either God or the devil, and most important they believed that it was my duty to find out what is right and what is wrong. This was what their education was all about. Yes, education is a stratified totality. First, education is facts. Second, it is concepts based upon these facts. Third, it is a decision based upon facts and concepts - a personal decision as to what is right or wrong. Without this moral decision education is worthless. When we fail to make decisions, someone else will make them for us. In times of intimidation, revolution, and war this "someone" is more apt to be the mobs in the streets who care little for facts or concepts. The result is tyranny. If freedom and democracy are to survive, it will take a miracle - a miracle that only dedication and commitment can bring about. After the technological and intellectual revolutions, a moral revolution is necessary. When trapped in a world of indolence, incompetence and impotence, when challenged by ambivalence, arrogance and aggression, when you feel insignificant, you can and must do your duty! You know the needs of your family, your neighbor, your town, your state and your community. You have here a duty to perform. It is not important that others are bad, lazy, and dishonest. It is important that you are good, diligent, and honest. It is not important that others lie, scheme, and destroy. It is important that you are hard at work to maintain our democracy, justice, and peace. There is no time to waste. The revolutionary forces shaking the earth have converged upon us, presenting us with difficult choices - with a need for action, for ideas, for concerted and sustained commitment as a nation and as individuals. We must meet the challenge with the conviction of our beliefs. We must remember that as Americans - by birth or by choice - we are heirs to a permanent, continuing, liberating revolution. Our great ancestors left us an unparalleled moral and political weapon that we must share with the suffering peoples of the world. In April '945, the Second World War was coming to an end. In Central Europe great numbers of people were still dying. In our village fifty hostages had been taken by Nazi soldiers. I was among them. Orders had been given for ten of us to be executed each time one of their retreating soldiers was killed by our guerrillas. Being first in the alphabet, I found myself in a courtyard facing two soldiers armed with machine guns, not knowing if I had one minute, ten seconds, five seconds to live. Almost unknowingly, I began to pray, a prayer of thanksgiving to God, that if I had not lived for a noble cause He was now giving me the opportunity at least to die for a noble cause - to die in resistance to the tyranny and misery represented in those two Nazi soldiers. Happiness momentarily filled my being - finally my life made some sense. Without any advance warning, the guards were ordered to take me back to jail. Eventually we were released. From that moment on I have believed in miracles. Only those who are willing to die for a noble cause are fit to live. I believe there is a great difference between Americans and the people of other countries. Whenever I travel I recognize this difference. These people have a dream, a sense that there exists a powerful force capable of leading the world to justice and peace. They are aware that there is a unique society in the world where God has put together all nationalities, races, and interests of the globe for one purpose - to show the rest of the world how to live. The dream around the world, in spite of all contrary propaganda, is America. I ask you, where is your America? http://www.marianland.com/bromlibor/whereisyouramerica.html Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, the monthly journal of Hillsdale College. August 1982, Vol. '', No. 8. “Reprinted by permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College.” SUBSCRIPTION FREE UPON REQUEST. ISSN 0277-8432. Imprimis trademark registered in U.S. Patent and Trade Office #1563325. "Where Is Your America?" by Libor Brom Prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Brom (1923 - 2006) Libor Brom was professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures and director of Russian Area Studies at the University of Denver. He is the author of nine books and a great deal of studies in the field of Slavic culture and civilization. In addition, he has lectured at numerous institutions of learning and before many civic and religious groups on education, literature, and international relations. He has appeared on three continents and often on radio and television. A native Czechoslovakian, Dr. Brom was an American citizen. He received his education at the Czechoslovak Institute of Technology, School of Economics, the Charles University of Prague, School of law, the San Francisco State University, and the University of Colorado. In Europe, Dr. Brom served as an economist and lawyer in International Business and as the chief planner in the research. development, and normalization of Czechoslovak river shipbuilding. As a professor in the United States, he was selected by the Modern Language Association of America as the Teacher with Superlative Performance, named The American by Choice in Colorado, and received a National Americanism Medal. In the College Book by the Ballantine Books of New York, 1984 he is named Denver University's best professor. Dr. Brom served in the leadership of many national and international organizations and was imprisoned by both the Nazis and the Communists. He is listed in Who'S Who in America and Who's Who in the World.


When Communism was "defeated" and the Cold War ended, many believed a great future was at hand for all mankind. US State Department official Francis Fukuyama went further when he concluded that the end of the Cold War meant an end of history; since history was nothing but humanity's struggle for the right ideology, now, no veritable alternative to a capitalist democracy existed. After the "defeat" of communism free men around the world felt safe. The "victorious" American enjoyed a false sense of prosperity and freedom. However, a new frustration began to surface, one reflected in a short paragraph that appeared in the press: Joe Smith awakes having set his alarm clock (made in China), shaves with his electric razor (made in Hong Kong), puts on a shirt (made in Sri Lanka), designer pants (made in Singapore) and tennis shoes (made in Korea), prepares his breakfast in an electric skillet (made in India) and sits down with his calculator (made in Mexico) to work on his budget. After setting his watch (made in Taiwan) to the radio (made in India), he drives his car (made in Japan) and continues his search for the American job. At the end of a disappointing day he relaxes by putting on his sandals (made in Brazil), pouring himself a glass of wine (made in Chile), turning on his TV (made in Indonesia) and then wonders why he cannot find a job in America. Economist Paul Craig Roberts writes: "American communities are losing manufacturing jobs. Americans who used to make things for a living now have part-time jobs at Wall-Mart selling items made abroad...and maintain their consumption by spending the equity when refinancing their homes. In the past five years, mortgage debt has risen 55 percent. Total personal debt now stands 100 percent of personal income. The United States has made the transition from the accumulation of wealth to the consumption of wealth." (Conservative Chronicle, February 22, 2003). What is true for the individual in the above case is also true for the country. Massive U.S. trade deficits are being financed by the transfer of American assets to foreign lands. Everyday Americans hand over a billion dollars in treasury and corporate bonds, real estate, and corporate equities to foreigners. How long will the illusion of prosperity and peace endure before Americans (living it up importing inexpensive products paid by large trade deficits), realize that the merchandise they purchase is no longer easy on the pocketbook and their dollar continues to lose its value? How long will it take before trade deficit in America (once the world's greatest creditor and now the world's greatest debtor) affects the living standard of every citizen? Publicist Pat Buchanan has concluded that as Congress votes for tax cuts, spends billions to bail out deadbeat countries and assists decaying international banks, Americans will face a serious economic crisis. While apostles of globalization, such as Thomas Friedman, believe that exporting the idea of free markets and political democracy increase prosperity and peace throughout the developing world, Professor of International Trade at Yale University Ama Chua argues the opposite. In her book World on Fire, researched and experienced as a Chinese brought up in the Philippines, Chua concludes that instead of peace and increased prosperity free market brings about ethnic conflict and ugly violence in developing countries. In Asia, Africa, Russia and Latin America a free market has created above all a new class of immensely rich plutocrats who are mainly members of a minority group Chinese in the Philippines, Croatians in the former Yugoslavia, whites in Latin America, Indians in East Africa, Jews in postcommunist Russia. Chinese speaking citizens make up only 1 to 2% of the Philippine population, yet own the majority of the country's business assets and live secluded in a luxurious world fenced off from the indigenous majority whom they hold in contempt. The same situation existed in Indonesia. The Chinese made up 3% of its vast population, yet owned the great majority of all businesses. The dictator Suharto and his family had lucrative ties to the Chinese community. When his government fell in 1998, democratization set off a vicious pogrom against the Chinese. When most of them fled to Singapore, the new Indonesian government expropriated $58 billion of their assets. In other words, the market dominant minorities in the Third World become targets of envy. Adding democracy to this violent mix unleashes suppressed ethnic hate and brings to power ethno-nationalistic governments that pursue aggressive policies of confiscation and revenge. Ex-communists around the world take delight at such developments. They see capitalism digging its own grave. Marxists define America as imperialistic. She controls the sources of the world by neo-colonization, i.e., she exploits former colonies and backs corrupted regimes resulting in favorable conditions for an inevitable "Second World Socialist Revolution." Communists behind the former Iron and Bamboo Curtains--from the Czech Republic to the Peoples' Republic of China--have never been defeated. They have only retreated to take a deep breath to acquire Western technology and develop new tactics toward the conquest of the world. In the Czech Republic, for example, an agreement was made with dissident Vaclav Havel to vote him in as President of the republic, orchestrate their "velvet revolution" and establish their phony postcommunism. Thirteen years later the communists again were decisive in the election of Vaclav Klaus as the second Czech president. A comparable situation exists everywhere in "postcommunism" where communists govern as capitalists and democrats as is the case in Poland with Kwasniewski, in Ukraine with Kuchma, in White Russia with Lukashenka, in Azerbaijan with Shevardnadze and in China with Hu Jintao. In the rest of the world, where communists and their collaborators are not fully in power, it is the socialists who prepare the ground for revolution. Europe is already under their spell. The bureaucratic European Union will complete their absolute rule. In South America, the continent is on fire with strikes, terror, and bankruptcies. Narcotic trade financed guerillas carry out battles with bourgeois governments. Southern Asia impassioned by class and territorial conflicts and armed with weapons of mass destruction smolders before exploding. The Near East, the gas station of the world and the permanent arena of Arabs and Jews, is the source of world terrorism as witnessed by the destruction of thousands of lives in New York's World Trade Center and Washington's Department of Defense. As Lenin claimed a century ago, the object of history is nothing but "who gets whom." History continues. The world is on fire. http://www.marianland.com/bromlibor/brom011.html Prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Brom (1923 - 2006) Libor Brom was professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures and director of Russian Area Studies at the University of Denver. He is the author of nine books and a great deal of studies in the field of Slavic culture and civilization. In addition, he has lectured at numerous institutions of learning and before many civic and religious groups on education, literature, and international relations. He has appeared on three continents and often on radio and television. A native Czechoslovakian, Dr. Brom was an American citizen. He received his education at the Czechoslovak Institute of Technology, School of Economics, the Charles University of Prague, School of law, the San Francisco State University, and the University of Colorado. In Europe, Dr. Brom served as an economist and lawyer in International Business and as the chief planner in the research. development, and normalization of Czechoslovak river shipbuilding. As a professor in the United States, he was selected by the Modern Language Association of America as the Teacher with Superlative Performance, named The American by Choice in Colorado, and received a National Americanism Medal. In the College Book by the Ballantine Books of New York, 1984 he is named Denver University's best professor. Dr. Brom served in the leadership of many national and international organizations and was imprisoned by both the Nazis and the Communists. He is listed in Who'S Who in America and Who's Who in the World.

BIOGRAPHY - Rafael Brom

Rafael Brom was born in Prague (formerly Czechoslovakia, but now called the Czech Republic) on August 13, 1952. He was born into a musical family. His mother was a popular professional singer, pianist, composer, and dancer. His father was an outstanding piano player and composer and grandfather was considered a musical virtuoso. In 1963, Rafael emigrated to Sarajevo. While in Sarajevo, Rafael studied several levels of Graphics Arts and Design, Communication Arts, and Fine Arts. He was a student of several well-known Academy professors and international graphic artists. After completing his education, Rafael worked full-time for an energy company as a graphics designer. He did this to support his mother and brother. With the help of his father, Libor, and Senator Armstrong, Rafael emigrated to the United States in 1979. Upon arriving in the United States, Rafael worked for several energy companies as a graphics illustrator. He dedicated his free time to music, painting, illustrations and helping his father publishing books. In 1983, Rafael released his first 12" vinyl record, 'Rafael Brom I'. This recording is now included on 'Dance for Padre Pio'. This album received significant airplay on public and college radio stations in the USA and Canada. After the release of this album, Rafael became a member of ASCAP. He received a special ASCAP award a few years later. Rafael moved to Los Angeles, California in 1984. While there, he established his own record label, Cosmotone Records. He also started Publishing Company Cosmotone Music (ASCAP) and a distribution company, Center for the Queen of Peace. He then released 3 more albums, 'Padre Pio' (Lord Hamilton) This recording is now included on 'Dance for Padre Pio', 'Peace of Heart', and 'The Sounds of Heaven'. In Los Angeles, Rafael was involved in numerous charitable activities with his friends of Medjugorje, Marian and Pro-Life Movements, and Padre Pio Prayer Groups and Priests. He opened two Catholic bookstores and for seven years organized big screen presentations on Medjugorje and other Marian Apparitions in Pasadena, California. These influenced the lives of countless people. On Padre Pio's birthday, May 25th, 1988, Rafael became a U.S. citizen in a touching naturalization ceremony in Los Angeles, California. In 1992, he moved to Sugar Land, Texas, where he released 7 more albums. They were 'Dance for Padre Pio' (which contained his first two 12" vinyl albums), 'True Measure of Love', 'Music for Peace of Mind', 'The Christmas Songs', and 'You'll Never Walk Alone'. While living in Sugar Land, Rafael developed and designed a new distribution and publishing company, Marianland.com. This is now the largest Roman Catholic Marian Pro-Life resource web site on the Internet. This company distributes and publishes some of the world's finest Catholic and Christian videos, books, music, and church supplies. Rafael came up with the idea for a Catholic theme park in 1984. Marianland was soon built in the United States. Marianland.com is also a licensed representative of award-winning British film director, J. Paddy Nolan. They have distributed Nolan's documentary videos on Padre Pio, Sr. Faustina, and Medjugorje. The year 2000 saw all of Rafael's albums remastered for CD duplication and mp3 release. This was done by music and sound guru, Colin Kennedy, of Tortuga Music in Glendale, California. Rafael has since released two new albums, 'Angelophany' and 'All My Love To You, Jesus'. Rafael released his 'Rafael Brom Unplugged' DVD in 2004. In 2005, Rafael moved to League City, Texas, where he is continuing his ministries. In 2007, Rafael released record album 'Life is Good, Enjoy It While You Can'. In 2008 released album 'Change' and in 2009 released two albums 'The Peanut Regatta' and 'Refugee from Socialism'. In 2010 Rafael released album 'Move Your Ass'. 2011 released four albums 'The Best of Rafael Brom - Volume I, Volume II, Volume III and Volume IV'. 2012 released album 'Ineptocracy'. 2013 released album 'Ascension'. Upon request from Hollywood film director Kurt James Stefka, Rafael scored the original sound track to Kurt’s movie “Crossroads of the World” few tunes for this movie published on Rafael’s best selling albums 'Music for Peace of Mind'. Recently, Rafael was asked to perform original score again for Mr. Stefka’s new company Story Driven Pictures which produced a video production of the Nutcracker in 2008 for The Reno Dance Company. Rafael’s unique music score was extremely successful in the video production as it juxtaposed splendidly with the music score by Tchaikovsky. Rafael's hobbies include sailing, tennis, soccer, movies, sports, books, paintings, arts, and music.